The Platonic Solids Symbol

Whatever you place into the center of the symbol will be cleared and uplifted. The average crystal takes about 5 minutes. You can feel the difference in the energy which becomes light and happy when the clearing is done. I advise everybody to pay attention to the first object you place onto the symbol, while it is being purified. Once you feel the joy that seems to come off the object once it reaches a level of clarity, you understand the symbol on a deeper level. Objects made from metal may take up 1/2 hour. Objects to place unto symbol are: Gems, jewelry, food and drink, sacred objects, statues, and pictures to name a few. Try putting your feet on one symbol each when you meditate. I personally do not work with crystals and gems unless I purified them on this symbol. After a healing I put my gems on the symbol to clear any energies that have been picked up. When I pass my hand over the symbol I can feel a cone of energy coming up from the center reaching more than a foot high. After I send chi into the center, the cone of energy gets several yards high. How does it work? You will notice the 2 dimensional representations of the platonic solids around the circle. The platonic solids represent the matrix by which atomic matter is organized. The spiral in the middle represents this spiral galaxy, or the central sun, or what is called Mount Meru in Hindu mythology. Please let us know about your experiences with this divine symbol so that we can share them with other viewers and seekers.

Pendulum Charts

100 - 0 Chart Not all questions can be answered with a "Yes" or "No". Comparison and ratings can gain more specific information. You can rate or compare almost any subject - foods to purchase or avoid, herbs, vitamins, brands of the same product, business choices, movies to see, and you can even rate relationships or people. When making decisions you can rate them to see which has the most benefit for you. For example, if you ask the pendulum "Should I move to another city?" and the answer is "Yes", you would use this chart to rate the cities of your choice. If the chart indicated a 90 rating for Dallas, a 85 rating for Yew York, and a 20 rating for Chicago - two would be in your best interests. However Dallas would be better. Ask permission. "May I?", "Can I?" and declare all answers to be for "your highest good" at the beginning of all sessions.

Desktop Affirmations

All photos are high resolution images from Wolfgang, the quotations are from the public domain.
To download any of these images please right-click the picture and select “Save as”.  Select to where you want to save the image like your desktop or an image folder. Once you have downloaded the affirmation image, you can right-click the icon and select “set as desktop background”.